How to Cover a Pimple Without Foundation

We all have those days. We wake up. We look in the mirror. And there it is, blaring at us like Rudolph's nose. A pimple. While covering it with makeup isn't the best option for making it heal, sometimes it's just what has to be done. Here's how I do it. 1. Acne medication Neutrogena … Continue reading How to Cover a Pimple Without Foundation

10 Beauty Stocking Stuffer Ideas

6 days until Christmas?? That's so crazy. I hope most of you are done with your Christmas shopping by now, but I know that stocking stuffers aren't always purchased until almost Christmas Eve, at least in my house. Here are a few ideas in your search for the perfect pint-sized gifts! 1. Mini Eyeshadow Palette … Continue reading 10 Beauty Stocking Stuffer Ideas

My Skincare Routine

Hope you aren't feeling those Monday Blues right now! I've had a busy day, but I thought I'd sit down and show you all my skincare routine. This was HIGHLY requested via Instagram story polls, so if you want to have a say in the posts I write then follow me, @makeupandcoffeecups! Self promo aside, … Continue reading My Skincare Routine